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French translation of 'absolutely!'​​ (= certainly) absolument ! “Do you think it's a good idea?” — “Absolutely!” « Tu trouves que c'est une bonne idée ? » — « ...
How to say absolutely in French ; you are absolutely right ; tu as tout à fait raison ; you're absolutely right ; vous avez absolument raison ; absolutely necessary ...
The French translation for "absolutely" is impérativement. There is 1 example of the French word for "absolutely" being used.
"absolutely" in French · absolutely {adv.} · absolute {adj.} · absoluteness {noun} · absolutism {noun} · absolutive {noun}.
illimité; → absolute; boundless; infinite; limitless; unconfined; unlimited;.
Fun, innovative, practical and unique French courses to feel at home, understand French culture and integrate, speak easily.
More Examples of Absolutely in French · Vous ne devez surtout pas lécher le sol. You must absolutely not lick the floor. Source · Vous avez parfaitement raison.